Feel the fear, Do it anyway

Welcome to ROE6!

I started ROE6 for a number of reasons

1. being my own boss,

2. being able to work from home

3. to provide an affordable and professional service for website design/development, digital marketing, photography & HACCP Consulting (Meat Industry).

I have a wide ranging skill set and believe every opportunity is a chance to learn something new in a professional setting and also in a personal one.

I am a Wife and Mother to 4 amazing boys! This has been our main job over the years and the learning experiences are second to none.

With a qualification in Quality Assurance and HACCP, I have been a Quality Assurance Manager in the Meat Processing industry for the past 6 years. I have written multiple HACCP / Food Safety Plan Manuals, implemented them and trained staff to the work instructions and have completed audits with a number of governing bodies.

I have built, designed and manage multiple websites for various companies within the meat industry, wholesale and retail sectors. I have set up and manage multiple social media accounts which I use as a marketing tool for these companies. 

While completing a Diploma in Digital Marketing I have been testing a range of areas to market to, and have found that if digital marketing is done right, it can be a huge benefit to your company. 

Meat Photography has been the main focus for me as this has been used as a tool to market the companies I work with. I am able to photograph any event or gathering and provide editing on all images.